Posts by wsladmin
Comfort Zone
Research says that fear is often the reason that we stay in our comfort zone Quite often the idea of moving out is so overwhelming and anxiety producing that we choose to stay comfortable. Have you ever been stuck trying to go to the next level in your business and found that with all of…
See MoreTime Management
‘When it gets difficult is often right before you succeed’ Chris Garrett. As a business owner do you find yourself juggling too many balls in the air at one time? Are there times when you are spreading yourself way too thin? Do you find yourself working in the business rather than having time to work…
See MoreThe Art of Accountability
Accountability is the key to success. Are you able to hold yourself accountable to achieving your actions? 1. Do you have a to- do list one mile long? 2. Have some of the items been there for days or weeks or even years? 3. Do you feel on top of your days’ work by 5pm? 4.…
See MoreProcrastination is the fear of success
People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the “someday I’ll” philosophy”. ~ Denis Waitley What is one thing you are procrastinating on that is costing you…
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