
Susan guided our senior leadership team through a step change in the scale of our business. Helping us reach our potential on a professional and personal level, whilst understanding each other better, was inspirational. Susan's care and understanding means she feels like a part of the team, and we look forward to the next stage of our journey.

David Lennard, Director SSECO

In a short period of time, Susan was able to identify my talents and clarify those areas where I needed to focus additional efforts. She facilitated this process in a manner that was more efficient than I would have thought possible. Susan brings great energy and empathy to every conversation and manages to get the best out of you. That she does this in a way that is so empathetic and constructive is a testament to her considerable coaching skills.

Peter, CEO

I had no idea what to expect from the Invest in You coaching course and went in open minded and willing to explore. What I soon learnt was that Susan was coaching me to realise my full potential. She assisted me in achieve confidence in work/life balance, in securing a fantastic career promotion, addressing my health and wellbeing and deciding on a course to pursue. The benefits I received was a boost in confidence in regard to stepping forward and speaking up. To value my leadership and communication style. I gained a deep understanding through the Instinctive Drives® methodology on what I need to operate at my best. I highly recommend Susan to coach you through to a greater understanding of oneself and to help you not only unlock your potential but get results!

Jason, CTO

In my time as, Regional Manager with Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Ltd. I engaged Susan to work with two of my branch teams to maximise the potential of the individuals and the branches as a unit. Susan worked successfully at breaking down the barriers and assisting my staff to focus on their drivers and motivations, all the while maintaining accountability for agreed outcomes. Over the course of Susan’s involvement, I evidenced an increased level of enthusiasm, motivation on an individual basis and a greater sense of team and achievement of branch goals.

Alex, Finance Broker

I have worked with Susan for a little while now and all I can say is WOW! She is totally committed to working with you for very specific and strategic advice. Using her unique skills, she is an out of the box thinker, strategic and most importantly very empathetic. A winning combination. Her advice and guidance has been invaluable to me. The changes and progress I have seen in myself - professionally and personally (unexpected) in such a short time I completely credit to Susan's ability to see through the fog of my life.

She provides you with a big picture of possibilities, and steers you towards your goals with clear, purposeful, and specific steps...and she keeps you accountable! The best investment I have made in the last 12 months! Thank you Susan I cannot stop talking about you to my network and would happily refer anyone to you that wants some assistance, clarity and direction to achieve their goals.

G J, Accredited Family Law Specialist

My business has developed and as a result I have not had any staff turnover since being coached by Susan. Life balance was non- existent, I have now been overseas twice and have booked another holiday! The structured approach in identifying what worked and what didn’t work in my life, together with Susan’s great understanding and skillful investigation helped me to achieve some significant breakthroughs. I can highly recommend her to anyone who wants to gain clarity, direction and stay focused on achieving his or her goals.

G M, Mortgage Broker Business Owner

Thank you, Susan, for the opportunity to access the Link-Up questionnaire on Instinctive Drives and experience the feedback thereafter of which I found surprisingly accurate. Initially, I was sceptical that the report would be in some form of ‘tongues’ (as I find astrology and the stars) and predicted that it would be so vague and generalized that anything could be read into it. I was further (and more) impressed by the personal packaging of the information by Link – up International Consultant Susan Ingall who not only expanded on the written report, but insightfully suggested strategies that were uplifting and stretching. She helped move the loci of control with myself from mainly outside to mainly inside. Along with this (and complementary), Susan encouraged me to work alongside others more frequently and positively helping me to develop a more effective and creative team.

It wasn’t only what she told me that helped, but where the time, mental space, energy and focus of our interaction allowed me to go, thanks to her person-centred approach which allowed me reflection. I was impressed at how she balanced the feedback from the questionnaire results with other important factors in life, such as personal priorities, business priorities, and relationships. Some suggested strategies were triggered by the feedback on the questionnaire (e.g. not focusing on failures), yet others developed due to Susan’s easy and natural style of communicating and eliciting information, her effective active - listening skills, backed with insightful yet gently-challenging dialogue. My experience of the questionnaire, feedback and follow-up interview has been very rewarding personally and professionally. I believe Susan Ingall has allowed me a genuine experience of coaching addressing business issues and management whilst keeping me focused and holding me accountable to achieving my goals.

Dr Stephen, General Practitioner and Medical Educator

At the beginning of this year, Susan approached me with a new method of personal realisation. I had been previously struggling with vision for career progression and security in confirming that this career was what I was destined to pursue. Leaving things to the last minute was previously a ’forte’ of mine so the planning strategy really gave me confidence to be prompt with projects and the understanding that this is a behaviour I can work with. Since realising my potential and understanding the skills I have to offer, it has created a new lease on life for me. With the ID methodology I was able to grasp the essence of what I am destined to do and feel confident that I was on the right track.

I am now able to plan essential strategies to make the life I was questioning become a life with answers and security. I was made aware of the importance of planning in my life. The ability to overcome obstacles in a high-pressure environment was something I didn’t give myself credit for as I now know not all people have this ability and it can be a competitive advantage in my industry. I have applied the planning strategies, the personal strategies and the career progression strategies to gain a promotion at work, to double my pay package, buy a car, and lose 5 kilos to date. With Susan’s assistance and using the help of the ID™ methodology I have been able to move forward with my life, faster, happily and confidently. Susan is a professional and approachable Executive Consultant whom I would recommend to anyone willing to have the life they desire. Thank you, Susan, for opening my eyes to what my potential in life truly is.

J I, National Account Manager

I have recently completed an ID™ survey with a follow-up analysis by Susan Ingall of Invest in You.

At the outset, I must say that I am very impressed with the accuracy of the information contained in the report that Susan has given me. I have done many similar surveys over the years but none that so accurately describe my personality and instinctive drives. It's funny how you go through life not really stopping to think about what your natural talents are and how you can use them to your advantage. This report helped me to understand where my core strengths lie and my vulnerabilities in certain situations - very valuable insights!

The value didn't stop with a written report however, as I then received a 1on 1 Strategy Consultation with Susan. As a "Verifier/Authenticator" I am always a bit sceptical of the true

value of these types of surveys as they often get thrown into a drawer and never turn into life changing results. During the consultation Susan explained the findings of the report and then helped me to think about personal strategies I could use to leverage my natural talents, both in personal interactions and the way I approach my work.

I have already started experiencing the rewards of using these strategies at work, where previously I have struggled to "sell" my ideas to my manager. By changing the way, I communicate and even the way I make appointments and set the agenda for communication I have been able to get much better interaction and support for my ideas from those above me. In managing those below me, I am better able to adjust my communication style to suit the orientation of the individual I am talking to and I'm finding this to be a very useful "side effect". I look forward to using this new insight and strategies to further improve other areas of my life. I would recommend the I.D ™ methodology and a consultation with Susan Ingall to anyone who is seeking to gain better self-awareness and make more informed decisions about how to work more effectively and live a richer and more fulfilling life! Thank you, Susan!

MB, Sales Engineering Manager

I have found Susan Ingall a great help in re-focusing me on the personal and business issues most relevant to maximizing my quality of life.

I recommend Susan both as an Executive Coach.


"The workshop provided food for thought and tools for evaluating workplace situations." "Information gained will benefit the many changes taking place in my life now."

"It was beneficial to learn how my co-workers and I operate as a team - I now have more understanding."

"Opened my eyes to several aspects of my life”

"I loved the discussions on motivations. “One on one” would be great!"

"Made me aware of how I impact other people and their self-esteem”

"Allowed me to understand and see where I could better myself in terms of self-esteem and motivation. The seminar allowed time for reflection and recognizing opportunity. I explored how to balance work and home life. She opened my eyes."

"Susan is caring, intelligent and a great teacher. Keep at it"

"Many changes are taking place in my life and the information gained is of great benefit" "Streamlining processes and identifying roles and responsibilities was of great value."

"I am committed to finishing jobs now and achieving my goals."

"Susan’s subtle yet effective way of resolving interdepartmental conflict was impressive.
You raised the morale by day 2 and had us laughing and working harmoniously by the end of Day 3. Amazing how I have worked with my colleagues and never knew what he did on the weekend!"

General Managers

I had three challenging goals that I'd tried to achieve for some years. Coaching helped me achieve these goals in a few months. Susan's experience and expertise helped me to learn so much about myself. I was able to identify obstacles preventing me from moving forward and to learn strategies to realize my goals. She kept me focused and I always felt at ease and comfortable with sharing my thoughts with Susan. Thanks to Susan I have taken some giant steps and attained my goals. Thanks Susan! You're a life- changer!!

Lisa, Physiotherapist Business Owner

Susan gave me the courage and support to go from a desperate situation to now being sort after in my business which is highly successful.

She encouraged me to believe in myself again and to succeed against all odds.

I now have a great job, am financially secure, in good health and a great relationship with my children. I have been on an overseas trip and since have met a lovely lady.

Susan taught me to trust again. I didn’t know I had it in me to succeed! Susan showed me this and I will always remember and thank her for this.

I recommend her to anyone wanting to go to the next level.

G H, Construction Project Manager

Susan’s coaching skills taught me to let go of the past, to have confidence in my ability and to get rid of the baggage! I bought a new home and became more creative, attained a promotion and developed a great network of friends and interests. I now feel very alive.

I felt like I should have done this on my own, but you can do so much more with an executive coach who cares, supports and keeps you focused just on you!

It sure is worth it!


Coaching has been a blessing for me in more ways than one. I have learnt to accept myself and to be comfortable with who I am. When I first came to Susan, I was very anxious, depressed and felt lost with no direction in my life, which made me very unhappy and I felt there was no way out of the black hole, which I had created for myself.

After the coaching sessions with Susan, she has guided me to discover the things I really want in life, which I have found incredibly hard to do in the past.

I have found that I am more optimistic and happier in my life and see my future as brighter. I stopped smoking, moved out of home, landed a great job and travelled (which I was scared of doing). I am now working and living on Hayman Island! I believe coaching has made me the person I longed to be. I feel more independent, more confident and I like who I am.


Well! I can’t speak highly enough about Susan’s coaching abilities. I found her to be inspiring, enthusiastic and ever so present and accepting of whatever position I was in. Her ability to identify the critical issue and to present it in such a way that though confronting, I knew and felt she was on my side to validate and ‘stretch’ me. Susan was able to draw from her wealth of experience and offer positive and intuitive responses and encouragement. While she partnered me in this process her passion and sensitivity kept me ‘true to myself’. I have no hesitation in recommending Susan!

J W, Dental Practice Manager

Susan's approach is direct, supportive and motivating. She was always willing to help me get the most of our coaching sessions. We accomplished a lot in a short time. She was straight to the point, like me, and with laser focus at the task at hand. She helped me accomplish my business goals during each session. She asked powerful coaching questions that allowed me to move forward. It reinforced my belief that coaching really works and can help you in many different areas. In this particular case, it helped me to be accountable and to move forward on my business goals. I was able to accomplish all my goals that I wanted to accomplish during these 6 sessions.


Susan is an incredibly calm, insightful and outstanding coach. One session with Susan and you realise how much more is possible with her guidance. We worked together over a twelve-month period and as a result I moved in to a much more positive space both personally and professionally. Two years on, it is great to reflect on big picture goals that I had set with her and see how many have been achieved, beyond imagination. Her understanding and knowledge of human behaviour is so valuable. It really helped me become more educated in understanding not only myself but others close. Susan instils a whole other level of confidence in you through her education. I particularly valued learning about my instinctive drives and where my biggest strengths are. She helped guide me to see my true value and where I can best help others in my profession as a photographer and with my personal goals of empowering youth in my hometown in NZ. I highly recommend Susan!


Susan is a great coach!! Thoughtful, sensitive, insightful and challenging - all the best qualities. I thoroughly recommend her!! I have had the pleasure of spending quality time with Susan and can say without a doubt that her highly professional, warm and caring approach makes her a fantastic executive coach - I thoroughly recommend her! Susan, keep up the great work!

Marc, Partner

Susan is a dedicated professional with a real passion to help develop and bring out the best in her clients. With her energetic approach to coaching Susan has a talent to challenge your norm and help you recognise your true potential.

Keith, Owner

Susan Ingall of Invest in You® presented at our Medline Education Seminar on how to manage stress, increase performance and manage our work/life balance.

We found her to be inspiring, ‘wish I saw more of her in education sessions.’ The content was useful, relevant and informative. She presented helpful techniques in ways to deal with stress. Susan has an entertaining, interactive approach which helped to embed the learning.

I would recommend Susan to any organisation that needs to help their staff manage work more effectively and increase their performance.

Edwina, Clinical Nurse Educator

I was afforded the privilege of working with Susan earlier in the year. The key benefits that I gained from the experience was gaining clarity on how to be the best me. The “Instinctive Drives” process provided great clarity around not only my strengths, but also made me aware of situations and circumstances that I might find particularly challenging. This process was enlightening. Susan then worked with me to tease out strategies that I could use to improve my performance under those more challenging scenarios. She also reaffirmed and highlighted my strengths to improve my self-belief and to trust in myself. I would highly recommend Susan to anyone because her approach digs deep and forces you to explore the inner you. I think investing the time to go through this process is one of the best things you can do for your personal and professional development.

Edwina, Group Manager