Personal Strength

‘Strength does not come from physical capacity- it comes from an indomitable will’

Mahatma Ghandi.

Are your staff ‘disappearing’ when you want them to do a task or take on more responsibility?

Do you notice them avoiding the behaviors required to succeed in your organisation?

Get them on board

  • Encourage collaboration by getting staff involved in the goal setting process. When staff feel that they have some input into the outcomes they are more likely to have buy in and be on board.
  • Your staff must be intrinsically motivated i.e. they must want to do it.
  • Hold them accountable. There is huge value in reporting on your actions daily or weekly. This serves to keep your staff motivated and focused.
  • Check in on what they are currently working on and how it is progressing. Do they need to develop new skills or strategies to achieve their outcomes? What is their confidence level?
  • Keep the lines of communication open.

As managers you need ‘strength of mind’ or as Gandhi says an indomitable will as it is your responsibility to hold yourself accountable to this process.

One client stated that his staff weren’t supporting him and being accountable.

The question is: Are you holding yourself accountable? You see, if you demonstrate what needs to happen, then your staff will have to do it.

The challenge is that most managers are very busy running their business and need support to ensure the goals are actioned.

As an external coach my role is to partner with you as a leader and your teams to keep you on track, stretch you, hold you accountable and ensure that you will do what you say you will do. The added advantage as an external coach is ‘clarity of distance’. This allows me to remain objective, view the bigger picture and deal with what needs to be accomplished.

Please feel free to call me on 0414 535 221 to discuss your needs.