Executive Presence

Executive Presence 

In order to know how executive presence could benefit you in your workplace, we first have to try to clarify what executive presence actually is. It’s something that is hard to quantify, as it seems to be an essence around some people that sets them apart as leaders. It’s a kind of inner confidence partnered with decisiveness under pressure – attributes well suited to the workplace.

How does a person grow executive presence?

Communication skills. Executives are usually good public speakers, and are comfortable talking to large groups. They are also able to listen, understand and act upon information, use eye contact and speak assertively when needed. They pick up on non-verbal cues, can read an audience or situation and have good social skills, offering firm handshakes and displaying confident body language.

Self-Awareness. Leaders and executives have a certain personal power about them. They know their strengths and weaknesses and are honest with their opinions. They are comfortable in themselves and confident in their abilities. They don’t sweat the small stuff as they possess a broader perspective.

Appearance. An unkempt appearance gives the wrong message in the workforce. Executives are generally clean cut, tidy with well-fitting clothes appropriate to their position and industry. They also stand tall and don’t slouch.

Motivation. Executives are interested in their industry and motivated to succeed. They are able to communicate this enthusiasm to others and in turn motivate them.

What does that mean in the workplace?

Promotion Opportunities. According to a new study by the Center for Talent Innovation, a non-profit research organisation in New York, being perceived as leadership material is essential to being promoted into leadership positions. In fact, the 268 senior executives surveyed said “executive presence” counts for 26% of what it takes to get promoted.

Ability to run own business. The confidence and self-awareness of a person with executive presence lends itself well to the skill set of a business owner. Often performing a multitude of roles, a business owner needs to be comfortable meeting and speaking with people, be persuasive as well as flexible and possess top notch communication skills.

Successful and satisfying careers. People with executive presence are focused on performing well. Because they are at ease with themselves and those around them, they often speak up in group meetings, come up with new ideas and set themselves up to receive.

If you’re ready to invest in you, grow in confidence and open yourself to success – call or email susan@investinyou.com.au and discuss the possibilities.

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