Posts Tagged ‘Coaching’
The Value of Reassessing 2021
Welcome everyone to the second of my 5- part of my series on how to re-energise for 2021. Today’s video segment is about the ‘value of reassessing.’ Most of us go through life stuck on a treadmill never really taking time to hop off, to evaluate where we are, or to see how far we…
See MoreLife can be challenging …
Life can be challenging especially when managing Covid 19. It is all the more reason to hold fast to steady yourself in the storm especially when the waves are crashing all around you. Hold fast to what you know is true and right for you. Now more than ever it is important to know who…
See MoreWhat are you focusing on now?
Every day we are being distracted constantly away from what we want or need to be doing. As a performance coach, I take my clients through a process to get clear about what they really want and what really drives them. I am amazed at how many individuals do not know or do not take…
See MoreHow to re-ignite your vision for 2020.
Welcome everyone to the final part of my 5- part of my series on how to re-energise for 2020. My name is Susan Ingall, performance coach, speaker and author. In our last 2 segments you learnt a few tips on how to rejuvenate so that you were fresh to re-focus and now it’s time to…
See MoreHow to Refocus for 2020.
Welcome everyone to the fourth of my 5- part of my series on how to re-energise for 2020. Have you ever lost your focus and found that you were overwhelmed, and you just couldn’t see clearly what needed to be done next? I have noticed that some of my clients when expecting a lot of themselves end…
See MoreThe Importance of Rejuvenation.
Welcome everyone to the third part of my 5- part series on how to re-energise for 2020. My name is Susan Ingall and I am a performance coach, speaker and author. Todays video is about the importance of rejuvenation. Do you take time to rejuvenate? Most of us know how important rejuvenation is but we…
See MoreThe Value of Reassessing
Welcome everyone to the second part of my 5- part series on how to re-energise for 2020 My name is Susan Ingall and I am a performance coach, speaker and author. Today’s video segment is about the ‘value of reassessing’ and I’ve outlined some tips to assist you in going a little deeper in your…
See MoreThe Power of Reflection
Welcome everyone to the first of my 5- part series on how to re-energise for 2020. My name is Susan Ingall and I am a performance coach, speaker and author. You may have noticed that I have been a little quiet of late. What I’ve been up to is writing a book and honing my…
See MoreHolding the Professional Self as a Coach
Professional coaching in organisational change and dealing with urgent dilemmas is somewhat challenging and not for the faint hearted. As a coach, you must be able to call on and maintain the professional self at all times. The business world is fraught with risk, opportunities, threats and deadlines. Coaches are called in at those challenging…
See More11 Tips for getting the Most from Coaching.
Be fully present. Your coaching time is just for you! This isn’t the time to fold laundry, surf the net or answer emails. Arrange to have a quiet space so you can be fully present. Be aware of your coach’s presence all the time. What you and your coach discuss during your sessions will resonate…
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